Monday, November 16, 2015

The Death Penalty


The death penalty is the punishment of execution administered to somebody legally convicted of a crime. Sometimes on the news we see somebody who has been sentenced to the death penalty and this was administered by a court of law in which the convicted person was proven guilty of a severe crime. Sometimes the Death Penalty can be a good thing and the court was right about the ruling but there are many others that the courts
wrongly killed someone. This is why this is a very controversial topic among most people.

Pro Death Penalty
The argument for the support of the Death Sentence is that justice is done in killing the person. This is true in many cases and most people do believe that this is justice or even for some revenge. Say a person is convicted of killing a family of 4. This would definitely go to court had the person been detained. If the court feels that this person is guilty of the crime and there is evidence, then should this crime not be punished with the death penalty? So in many cases the death penalty seems to be like a good idea if the person is correctly convicted and the crime is deserving of a punishment like so. 

Against Death Penalty

The argument against the Death Penalty is that there are other means of punishment and certain cases shouldn’t call for it. There have been many cases where in which somebody was wrongly sent to death and they didn’t figure out until years later that the person was actually not guilty. There have been many cases where they thought they had the right person convicted but later ran DNA tests and realized that they had killed an innocent man.

Here is a situation that may be controversial. Say a 10 year old boy kills 3 other kids and meant to do so. Should this be worthy of say the Death Penalty or should this 10 year old be locked up. That is why the Death Penalty is a very controversial topic amongst the people. 

My Opinion
I personally am not leaning more towards one side. To me sometimes I feel that the Death
Penalty is both necessary but sometimes since they do get some wrong, the person being convicted should have some actual hard evidence saying that sed person did the crime. Sending a person to death cant already be easy for somebody to do, but then finding out that the person that was killed, was actually innocent must really take its toll on those who do so. 

Now running for president, Bernie Sanders has always wanted to abolish Capitol Punishment or the Death Penalty. Recently, he brought this up and now he is getting more recognition for this, he stated that "The state shouldn't be in the business of killing people".
