Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Solar Panels

What are they?

           A panel designed to absorb the suns rays as a source of generating heat or electricity.

Energy Production
           Solar panels are becoming a very popular innovation in energy. Solar panels are one of the best innovations because they save you more money rather than paying for electricity due to the sun being the key component in this. Solar panels create no waste due to them being basically just a solar panel and all they have to do to work is be in a place that is sunny most of the time. But when people get rid of them, there really isn’t a correct way of disposing of them. Mainly because we haven’t seen many of them being thrown away. Solar panels are pretty costly to install and to pay for but no government investments will really be needed other than the production of them.


           The people who own the solar panels can choose how the energy is distributed but the energy is wired through to the set areas that it needs to be in. There are more efficiencies that can be done and some of those are that they are trying to make each individual solar panel stronger so that they can hold more space and energy. They are centralized systems because they are the main root for the energy.


           The good thing about the solar panels is that the energy is produced by itself for the consumer and the consumer pays a very little price such as $30 a month rather than the usual $100 or more per household. They can curb demand in that of the pricing of some, some people understand that they are expensive and are not willing to pay for something like that, when they don’t know that you actually save more money because you are producing your own energy.

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